the children and i started working on the alphabet book project three to four years ago. the entire process has been a friend and family collaboration. it evolved as the book developed. i shot many different variations of some of the letters . and soon i realized some of the images could represent more then one letter . the whole process was like building a house with a very strong foundation. i could have been done with the project after the first year i had an image for each letter. however it needed to be perfect . every image had to be great ! how does one know when they are done . when you look at your project and it just feels done ! i kept shifting things around and rejected others. the entire time we worked on the project i would always call it the “alphabet book ” however when it came down to pick a title i wanted to call it “bear boy” this is one of my favorite titles in the book and instead of using the bear boy image we would match it with the instant ingognito image. a week before we went to print we decided to just call the book “alphabet book” . this would be less confusing . in the end i am so glad we made this choice it is just what it is and so simple. ” ALPHABET BOOK ” !!!!! XXXXXXX below is the link to one of the first articles written about the book.when i read the article it reminded me we were originally going to call the book ” BEAR BOY ” even though it was only 4 months ago i had almost forgotten about it …..